Pictured above are myself, and fellow Rowhill ward councillor Stuart Trussler and Cabinet member Adrian Newell inspecting the work at Greys Court.
When local residents expressed concern about the run-down state of the children's play area in Greys Court, Rowhill's Conservative councillors set about the task of getting something done.
An early win, as I have previously reported, was to get the council to cut back the overgrown vegetation and pick up the litter.
As the Cabinet member who has responsibility for children's play areas, I was delighted to support the use of developer contributions to repairing and improving the play surfaces and repainting the play equipment in Greys Court. A practical, affordable and sensible solution to addressing residents' concerns.
Meanwhile, Aldershot's Labour Party were busying themselves dreaming up a pie-in-the-sky scheme for Greys Court, which was unaffordable, impracticable and unworkable. Labour omitted to tell local residents that if their pie-in-the-sky scheme was implemented it would have resulted in the closure of the nearby children's play area in Kingsway. But then, that's what happens when Labour parachute an activist from outside Aldershot. They simply don't understand the complexities of our neighbourhood.
As ridiculous as it sounds, the Labour Party have recently drafted in an activist who lives in west London to stand for an Aldershot council seat in May's local elections. Can you believe it? Why do the Labour Party believe these outsiders who live miles away from Aldershot know better than the local people who live in our town?
Maurice Sheehan
Conservative councillor representing Rowhill Ward in Aldershot